Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution

Axsy Custom Objects

See the table below for the objects created with Axsy managed packages. 

Managed PackageAxsy Custom Objects Created
Namespace Prefix: 
Axsy Mobile for SalesforceApp Bundle (axsy_mobile__App_Bundle__c)
App Config Version (axsy_mobile__AppConfigVersion__c)*
App Event (axsy_mobile__App_Event__c)*
App Login Session (axsy_mobile__App_Login_Session__c)*
Device Notification Token (axsy_mobile__Mobile_Device_Token__c)
Id Mapping (axsy_mobile__IdMapping__c)
Mobile Location (axsy_mobile__Mobile_Location__c)*
Notification (axsy_mobile__Notification__c)*
Notification Status (axsy_mobile__NotificationStatus__c)*
Plugin (axsy_mobile__Plugin__c)*
Plugin Version (axsy_mobile__PluginVersion__c)*
Scheduler Event Tag Link (axsy_mobile__Sch_Event_Tag_Link__c)
Scheduler Resource (axsy_mobile__Sch_Resource__c)
Scheduler Resource Availability (axsy_mobile__Sch_Resource_Availability__c)
Scheduler Resource Availability Link (axsy_mobile__Sch_Resource_Availability_Link__c)
Scheduler Resource Event Link (axsy_mobile__Sch_Event_Resource_Link__c)
Scheduler Resource Grouping (axsy_mobile__Sch_Resource_Grouping__c)
Scheduler Resource Tag Link (axsy_mobile__Sch_Resource_Tag_Link__c)
Scheduler Tag (axsy_mobile__Sch_Tag__c)
Smart Vision Assortment (axsy_mobile_SVAssortment__c)
Smart Vision Assortment Product (axsy_mobile__SVAssortmentProduct__c)
Smart Vision Classified Count (axsy_mobile__SVClassifiedCount__c)
Smart Vision Classified Item (axsy_mobile__SVClassifiedItem__c)
Smart Vision Model (axsy_mobile__SVModel__c)
Smart Vision Model Assortment (axsy_mobile__SVModelVersionAssortment__c)
Smart Vision Model Product (axsy_mobile__SVModelVersionProduct__c)
Smart Vision Model Version (axsy_mobile__SVModelVersion__c)
Smart Vision Scan (axsy_mobile__SVScan__c
Axsy Field ServiceNone
Axsy Public SectorNone
Axsy Retail ExecutionAxsy Assessment Task Order (axsy_mobile__AxsyAssessmentTaskOrder__c)
Axsy Survey Question Response (
Axsy Survey Response (
Axsy Visit Scheduler

Scheduler Resource Visit Link (Scheduler Resource Visit Link__c)

Scheduler Visit Tag Link (axsy_mobile__Sch_Visit_Tag_Link__c)
Axsy Visit NotificationsAxsy Visit Triggers (axsy_mobile__Axsy_Visit_Trigger_Settings__c)**
Axsy Smart FormsForm (axsy_forms__Form__c)
Form Custom Function (axsy_forms__Form_Custom_Function__c)
Form Custom Function Association (axsy_forms__Form_Custom_Function_Association__c)
Form Element (axsy_forms__Form_Element__c)

Form Mapping (axsy_forms__Form_Mapping__c)
Form Mapping Association (axsy_forms__Form_Mapping_Association__c)
Form Mapping Element (axsy_forms__Form_Mapping_Element__c)
Form Picklist (axsy_forms__Form_Picklist__c)
Form Picklist Controller (axsy_forms__Form_Picklist_Controller__c)
Form Picklist Value (axsy_forms__Form_Picklist_Value__c)
Form Response (axsy_forms__Form_Response__c)

Form Section (axsy_forms__Form_Section__c)
Form Section Association (axsy_forms__Form_Section_Association__c)
Form Section Element Association (axsy_forms__Form_Section_Element_Association__c)
Form Version (axsy_forms__Form_Version__c)
  1. Custom objects annotated with an asterix (*) are also present in Axsy Summer '23 (using the axsy_emr  or axsy_cg namespace prefixes) and are included in the scope of data migration.
  2. Additional Axsy custom objects are created during managed package installation that are not visible in Salesforce object manager, these are low level system objects intended to support Axsy system functionality only and are not listed in the table above.

Table 1 – Axsy Custom Objects

Axsy Custom Fields on Standard Salesforce Objects

Managed PackageCustom Fields (Object ➞ Custom Field)
Namespace Prefix: axsy_mobile
Axsy Mobile for SalesforceActivity (Activity) ➞ Is Schedulable (axsy_mobile__Is_Schedulable__c)
Axsy Public Sector

Visit (Visit) ➞ Actual Visit End Location (axsy_mobile__ActualVisitEndLocation)*

Visit (Visit) ➞ Actual Visit Start Location (axsy_mobile__ActualVisitStartLocation)*

Axsy Retail Execution

Assessment Indicator Definition (AssessmentIndicatorDefinition) ➞ Smart Indicator Data (axsy_mobile__SmartIndicatorData__c)*

Order Product (OrderItem) ➞ Discount (axsy_mobile__Discount__c)*

Store Product () ➞ Sequence Number (axsy_mobile__SequenceNumber__c)*

Visit (Visit) ➞ Actual Visit End Location (axsy_mobile__ActualVisitEndLocation)*

Visit (Visit) ➞ Actual Visit Start Location (axsy_mobile__ActualVisitStartLocation)*

Axsy Visit Scheduler

Visit (Visit) ➞ Duration Hours (axsy_mobile__DurationHours__c)

Visit (Visit) ➞ Is Schedulable (axsy_mobile__Is_Schedulable__c)

  1. Custom  fields annotated with an asterix (*) are also present in Axsy Summer '23 (using the axsy_emr or axsy_cg namespace prefixes) and are included in the scope of data migration.

Table 2 – Axsy Custom Fields on Standard Salesforce Objects

For the custom objects and the custom fields listed in tables 1 and 2, during installation of the Axsy managed packages, the Field-Level Security setting will at a minimum be set to Visible for the System Administrator profile. If additional profiles or all profiles are included in the scope of managed package installation, then those profiles will also have Field-Level Security set to Visible.

For further Salesforce managed package installation details, refer to this article.

Note: You can verify Salesforce Field-Level Security for any field via SetupOBJECT MANAGER ➞ [Select required object] ➞ [Select required field] click Set Field-Level Security

Note: After managed package installation you must assign permission sets in accordance with user roles.