Scheduler Tags can be assigned to both Visits and Resources and are designed to be open-ended, so they can represent whatever information may be useful for your scheduling needs. For example, they can represent skill sets, job types, geographic areas, and so on.

In addition to their text label, each Tag is also given a color, allowing for at-a-glance recognition of Tags and visual assistance for matching up a Visit to the best Resource.

Please see the following article for more information on the permissions that are required to assign and manage Tags: Axsy Scheduler Managed Packages and Permissions

Assigning Existing Tags to a Visit or Resource

Assigning an existing Tag to a Visit is done through the "Edit" button for a Visit, which is accessible both from the Axsy Scheduler Visit list and directly from any Visit assigned to a Resource's swim lane. Similarly, assigning an existing Tag to a Resource is done via that Resource's "Edit" button.

In both cases, the list of already assigned Tags will be displayed, along with a clickable drop-down that will display any other existing Tags. Selecting one of those Tags will assign it to the Visit or Resource. The clickable drop-down also acts as a search box, and typing in that box will filter the displayed Tags in the drop-down list.

The above UI is used for assigning additional Tags to a Resource - a similar UI is available for assigning Tags when editing a Visit through the Axsy Scheduler UI

Opening the drop-down will display a list of other existing Tags that can be assigned

Creating New Tags and Editing Existing Tags in the Scheduler UI

Within the Axsy Scheduler UI, in addition to adding existing Tags, the top of the drop-down list also provides options to create new Tags or edit existing Tags.

Opening the drop-down will also provide options to create new Tags or edit existing Tags

Selecting the "Create New Tag" option will allow a user to specify the following information for the Tag to be created:

  • Label
  • Color
  • Description (optional)

When setting the Tag color, the user has the ability to pick from a visual palette, specify a RGB value, specify a Hex value or roll a random color (which the ability to re-roll as much as they like).

Creating a new Tag allows for setting the Label, Color and Description

Selecting the "Edit Tag" option will prompt the user to select an existing Tag. Once selected, they will have the ability to modify the same information as when creating a new Tag.

Managing Tags Outside the Scheduler UI

While managing Tags through the Axsy Scheduler UI is straightforward, there may be a need to directly manage Tags through the underlying data model (for example, if integrating Tag information from a source outside the Salesforce Platform). 

Tags are represented by the Schedular Tag object, which is accessible as a tab directly from the Axsy Scheduler app in the Salesforce Web UI. Assignment of a Schedular Tag to a Visit or Resource is then controlled, respectively, by the Scheduler Visit Tag Link and the Scheduler Resource Tag Link junction objects.

The "Schedular Tag" object is accessible as a tab in the Axsy Scheduler app in the Salesforce Web UI

Junction objects, which are Related Lists on the Scheduler Tag object, can be used for assigning a Scheduler Tag to a Visit or Resource

Please see the following article for more information on the Axsy Scheduler data model: Axsy Scheduler Object Model