Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce

All Axsy sync configs and the mobile feature sets the configs reference have important files that contain the configuration details of the configs and the mobile feature sets. Deleting or loosing these files (for example by a background process) can have significant consequences on the integrity of your Axsy sync config and for users of the Axsy Mobile app.

App Config Versions

You can view your Axsy App Config Version files from the Salesforce app launcher. Clicking on any record will show the three files required for the config.

App Bundles

You can view your Axsy App Bundle files via the Salesforce app launcher. Clicking on any record will show four files required for the bundle.

Org Storage Considerations

if App Config Version or App Bundle records have been deleted or if the files associated with these records have been deleted, for instance to save org file storage space then this is likely to have a serious impact on the integrity of your Axsy config which will impact mobile users of the Axsy Mobile apps.

Recovery Actions

Note: If any of the recovery actions described in this section do not work as expected, check your org storage limits.

App Config Version records and App Bundle records may still be in your Salesforce Recycle Bin from where they can be recovered.

If your files are not in the Recycle Bin you should follow the recovery steps below.

App Config Version Records

If an App Config Version record exists, but its related files do not exist you will see the following error screen in the Axsy Mobile web app.

Recovery steps:

  1. Remove the App Config Version record

  2. Check the Axsy Mobile web app to ensure a valid previous config has been loaded successfully, if not you may need to repeat step 1 until a complete config loads successfully
  3. Make changes to the config as required – you may need to refer to the config from another org to assist you
  4. Publish your config when your changes are complete and check that the config works as expected.

If some or all of your Axsy Config Version records and their associated files have been deleted then you should follow the process above from step 3, starting from a complete previous config that does load successfully in the Axsy Mobile web app.

App Bundle Records

App bundle records and their associated files can be re-created by publishing a new Axsy sync config that references the required bundle record.

  1. Check the App Bundle record for missing records including the related file list
  2. If only the related files are absent, then you must delete the whole record
  3. Create and publish a new Axsy Sync Config that includes the Mobile Feature Set you require
  4. Check the required App Bundle record and related files are now created after your Config has been published.