Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan allows mobile users to make use of the Axsy Mobile App to take live 3D scans of room environments - including when offline - that generate 3D models that can be viewed along with output parameters that can be incorporated into their Axsy Smart Form processes.

Please see the following article for the Device and OS requirements for using Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan: Device and OS Requirements for Axsy Smart Vision

Using Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan in the Axsy Mobile App

Launching Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan Within an Axsy Smart Form

When an Axsy Smart Form includes an Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan Element, the user will be presented with a Scan Room area they can tap and which will then launch to the device's camera to capture the 3D scan.

Capturing the 3D Scan

Once launched, the user should follow the on-screen instructions to position and orient the device camera so the scan can start. As the scan is captured, a 3D model representation will be built out live at the bottom of the screen.

Viewing the Generated 3D Model on Mobile

Once the user is happy with the generated model, they can select the Stop Scanning button. The generated model will then be presented within the Axsy Smart Form where it can be viewed, rotated and zoomed in/out with touch gestures. 

Viewing the Generated 3D Model on the Web

For completed Smart Forms, generated models are also viewable via the Salesforce Web UI when viewing the appropriate Form Response record. As with mobile, the model can be rotated and zoomed within the Form Response Viewer.

Additionally, the Form Response record will include in its Files related list a .usdz file and a .json file which represent the 3D model and output parameters from the Smart Vision Room Scan. 

Adding Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan to an Axsy Smart Form

Adding Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan as a Form Element

Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan is a variant of the File Upload Element. To add Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan to a Smart Form, add a File Upload Element to the Form and, from the File Upload tab, select "Room Plan" as the File Variant.

NOTE: It is important to leave the Description field blank for the Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan File Upload Element. Unique to Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan, this field is used to allow configuration of pre-existing demo data to be used rather than perform a live scan. More information on demo configuration is provided later on in this article.

Referencing Smart Vision Room Scan Output Parameters in the Smart Form

In addition to presenting a viewable 3D model that can be rotated and zoomed, Axsy Smart Forms also allows various output parameters from the Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan to be referenced elsewhere in the Axsy Smart Form - for example, as part of visibility, validation or default value formulas.

To make use of an output parameter from a scan, first use the @mention feature to reference the parent Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan Element and then use dot notation to refer to the desired output parameter from that parent Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan Element. The Axsy Smart Forms Designer provides auto-complete functionality to assist with the correct syntax.

The screenshot below gives an example of a Numeric Element in a Smart Form which has its default value dynamically set to the number of "windows" detected as part of an Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan.

Supported Output Parameters

The following table lists the output parameters currently supported by Axsy Smart Forms and Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan:

floorAreaNumberFloor area of the room in square meters.
roomHeightNumberApproximate average height of the room in meters.
counts.<object>NumberNumber of the given <object> detected as part of the room scan. The currently supported values that can be used in place of <object> are the surfaces detected for the room, as per the Apple documentation here (e.g. door, window) or the objects detected within the room, as per the Apple documentation here (e.g. bed, chair, table).

Demonstrating Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan with Existing Data

To allow a user to try out Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan even if they do not have a supported device or are not in a location or environment suited for a room scan, it is possible to configure the Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan Element in a Smart Form to use pre-existing demo data to simulate a scan rather than perform a live scan.

Configuring the Existing Demo Data for Use

The Description field of the Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan File Upload Element is where pre-existing demo data is configured. When non-blank, the field should include the following 3 filenames, in order:

  1. The .mp4 video file used to display and mimic a live scan
  2. The .usdz 3D model file that is to be outputted by the fake scan
  3. The .json file that represents the output parameters of the fake scan

NOTE: The order of files is important. Configuring them in an order different than the above will generate an error message in the Axsy Mobile App when running the Smart Form.

The files with the filenames from the above configuration must already be synced to the Axsy Mobile App for them to be able to be used as part of the demo scan. Syncing of these files can be achieved through existing methods, such as those described in the following articles:

Mobile App Experience when Using Existing Demo Data

When the Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan Element in a Smart Form is configured to use pre-existing demo data, tapping the Scan Room area will, instead of launching to the device's live camera view, play the pre-configured .mp4 video recording. Tapping the screen at any point will stop the video and return to the Smart Form which will then display the pre-configured .usdz model file and have any Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan output parameters referenced in the Smart Form populated based on the pre-configured .json file.

Generating the Data for Demonstrating Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan

One possible method to generate the pre-existing files required to perform simulated demo scans is to:

  1. Take a screen recording during a live Axsy Smart Vision Room Scan.
  2. Using a video editing tool, trim the above recording to just the portion showing the scan and save it as a .mp4 file.
  3. Complete the Axsy Smart Form and navigate to the resulting Form Response record within the Salesforce Web UI.
  4. Download from the Files related list of the above Form Response record the attached .usdz file and .json file.