Available in: Axsy Public Sector

The plotted map location for a Visit in the Axsy Mobile App can be set through one of the following 3 options:

  1. By setting the Visit's Place lookup field to a Location record which has geo-location data (i.e. latitude and longitude) .
  2. By setting the Visit's Place lookup field to a Location record which has its Visitor Address field set.
  3. By setting the Visit's Place lookup field to an Address record.

When possible, best practice is to use option 1 above as several other Axsy features work only with geo-location coordinates and not with address values, e.g.:

  • Route optimisation only works with geo-location data
  • Map views for record lists only works with geo-location data
  • The Axsy Flow Component for geo-location capture only captures latitude and longitude data and not address data