Assigning a Visit to a Resource Group

To assign a Visit to a Resource Group, drag-and-drop the Visit to the swim lane of the destination Resource Group. This can be done either by dragging the Visit from the Visit list or by dragging it from another swim lane. When this is done, in addition to showing the Visit as a block on the Resource Group's swim lane, the members of the Group will also have their swim lanes blocked off.

NOTE: The numeric badge under a Resource Group in the Resource list shows the number of members of the group and hovering over the badge will list those members.

Assigning a Visit to a Resource Group automatically blocks off the swim lanes of all members of the group

Please see the following article for more general information on assigning Visits to Resources: Assigning Visits to a Resource

Modifying a Visit Assigned to a Resource Group

For Visits that are assigned to a Resource Group, modifications to the Visit - such as changing its start time, changing its duration or unassigning the Visit completely - can only be done from the swim lane of the Resource Group itself and these changes are then reflected in the swim lanes of all the group members. Changes to the Visit cannot be made directly from the swim lane of one of the members. As such, in these instances, the "drag-and-drop" handle is replaced by a "group" icon which, on clicking, jumps to the swim lane of the parent Resource Group where modifications can then be made.

Visits in a Resource's swim lane that are group-assigned will have their "drag-and-drop" handle replaced by an icon that, when clicked, jumps to the swim lane of the parent Resource Group

NOTE: Drag-and-dropping a Visit from one Resource's swim lane to a different Resource's swim lane can only be done for single-Resource assignments.