While most Scheduler Resources are likely to be linked to actual Users, it is possible to create other types of Resources, such as:

  • Non-user Resources which represent such things as assets, equipment, etc.
  • Resource Groups which group together multiple other Resources so they can all be scheduled together

NOTE: Regardless of type, for a Resource to be visible in the Axsy Scheduler UI, it must have its Is Active field set to true. Setting this field to false will hide the Resource in the Axsy Scheduler UI without actually deleting them.

Creating Non-User Resources

Creating Resources is done using the Scheduler Resource object, which is accessible as a tab directly from the Axsy Scheduler app in the Salesforce Web UI. Using the standard Salesforce Web UI, new Scheduler Resource records can be created and existing records can be edited.

The "Schedular Resource" object is accessible as a tab in the Axsy Scheduler app in the Salesforce Web UI

When creating or editing a Scheduler Resource record, the optional User Resource lookup field is used to link the Resource to an actual User. If this field is left blank, and the Is Group field is unchecked, then this Resource will be treated as a non-user Resource.

Non-user Resources should have a blank value for "User Resource" and "Is Group" set to false

Creating Group Resources

If the Scheduler Resource record has a blank User Resource field and the Is Group field is checked, then the Resource is treated as a Resource Group. 

Resource Groups should have a blank value for "User Resource" and "Is Group" set to true

Once defined, adding other Resources as members of a Resource Group, can be done either through:

  • Navigating to a Resource Group record and using the Members of this Resource as Group related list to add members
  • Navigating to a non-Resource Group record and adding that resource to a Resource Group using the Groups of which this Resource is a Member related list 

You can add members to a Resource Group through the group's related list

You can add a Resource to a group through the Resource's related list

NOTE: While individual Resources can be members of multiple Resource Groups, do not add a Resource Group as a member of another Resource Group.

Please see the following article for more information on assigning Visits to Resource Groups: Working with Resource Groups