Creating Resource Availabilities

Creating Resource availabilities is done using the Scheduler Resource Availability object, which is accessible as a tab directly from the Axsy Scheduler app in the Salesforce Web UI. Using the standard Salesforce Web UI, new Scheduler Resource Availability records can be created and existing records can be edited.

The "Schedular Resource Availability" object is accessible as a tab in the Axsy Scheduler app in the Salesforce Web UI

Assigning Availabilities to Resources

Assignment of a Schedular Resource Availability to one or more Resources is managed by the Scheduler Resource Availability Link junction object. As such, a reoccurring availability, such as regular working hours, can be assigned to multiple users.

The "Scheduler Resource Availability Link" junction object, which is a Related List on the "Scheduler Resource Availability" object, can be used for assigning availabilities to Resources

Types of Resource Availability

When creating Scheduler Resource Availability records, the Is Available boolean field determines if the specified date/times represent a period when a Resource is available for scheduling vs. a period when a resource is unavailable for scheduling. Outside of these explicitly defined date/times, all other hours are implied to be "off hours" when the user is unavailable.

In the Axsy Scheduler UI:

  • Available hours are colored in white
  • Unavailable hours - that are defined by a Scheduler Resource Availability record with Is Available set to false - are colored in pink
  • Off hours - which are those hours not covered by the available hours of a resource - are colored in light grey

In the Resource swim lanes, available, unavailable and "off hours" are denoted by white, pink and light grey coloring, respectively

Availability Recurrence

When creating Scheduler Resource Availability records, the Recurring field allows having the defined availability - regardless of the value for Is Available - recur at regular intervals.

The recurrence options are the following:

  • None 
  • Selected Days
  • Daily
  • Mon-Fri
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Annually

If "Selected Days" is the chosen recurrence option, it will enable the option to select which days apply