Axsy Scheduler makes it simple to assign unscheduled Visits to Resources and to also adjust already scheduled Visits by changing their start time, duration and/or re-assigning the Visit to a different Resource.
Jump to Visit Date
From the Visit list on the left of the Axsy Scheduler UI, it is possible to have the schedule (or "swim lane") section of the UI quickly jump to the start date of a selected Visit. This is either done by clicking the "clock" button - which is for currently unscheduled Visits - or the "arrow" button - which is for already scheduled Visits.
Both unscheduled Visits and scheduled Visits in the Visit list have buttons that jump the schedule/swim lane view to that Visit's start date
Assign an Unscheduled Visit
Assigning an unscheduled Visit to a Resource is done by drag-and-dropping the Visit from the left-hand Visit list to the swim lane of the target Resource. The original planned start and end dates of the Visit are treated only as guidance, as Axsy Scheduler will not block the user from drag-and-dropping the Visit to a different time or date. Once a Visit is drag-and-dropped onto a swim lane, the planned start and end dates will be updated accordingly.
NOTE: Visits that are already scheduled cannot be drag-and-dropped from the Visit list.
Adjust an Already Scheduled Visit
Once a Visit is scheduled to a Resource, it is still possible to adjust the Visit's start time, duration or even assign it to a different Resource.
Each Visit already assigned to a Resource swim lane will have a drag-and-drop "handle" area in the top-left denoted by 8 dots. Clicking that area will allow a user to drag-and-drop the Visit to a different start time or even to a different Resource's swim lane, which effectively re-assigns the Visit to the new Resource.
The area of each scheduled Visit with the 8 dots is that Visit's drag-and-drop "handle" for changing the start time or assigned Resource
Adjusting the duration of a Visit can be done by either adjusting the start time or the end time of the Visit.
- To adjust the start time, hover over the left edge of a scheduled Visit until a left-pointing arrow appears. Then, click-and-drag to change the start time accordingly - the end time will stay fixed
- To adjust the end time, hover over the right edge of a scheduled Visit until a right-pointing arrow appears. Then, click-and-drag to change the end time accordingly - the start time will stay fixed
Unassign a Visit
Unassigning a Visit can either be done directly from the assigned Resource's swim lane or from the left-hand Visit list.
To remove a Visit from the assigned Resource's swim lane, click anywhere on the Visit other than its top-left "drag-and-drop" handle and select the "Unassign" option.
Unassign a Visit from the assigned Resource's swim lane
To unassign a Visit from the Visit list, click on the Visit to display its expanded view, then select the "Unassign" button. This button won't be displayed for unscheduled Visits.
Unassign a Visit from the Visit list
Scheduler Warnings
While Axsy Scheduler will not completely block a Visit from being scheduled, it will display pop-up warnings under the following circumstances and prompt the user to confirm they want to continue:
- Scheduling a Visit in the past
- Scheduling a Visit outside a Resource's availability
Example warning pop-up prompting the user to confirm the scheduling action
Additionally, if a Resource is scheduled for overlapping Visits, this will be allowed but a warning icon will be displayed next to the Resource which, on hover, will list the overlapping Visits.
Example warning icon highlighting overlapping Visits