Available in: Axsy Public Sector

Along with displaying the point locations of a record list on a map, with Axsy Public Sector, it is also possible to view the polygon shapes associated to a record list on a map. 

Embedded map view displaying polygon shapes for the record list

Along with a smaller map view that is embedded above the list of records, it's possible to use the "expand" button to view the relevant polygon shapes on a fullscreen map view.

Fullscreen map view displaying polygon shapes for the record list

Associating a Polygon to an Object

For an object's records to be able to be displayed as a polygon shape on a map within the Axsy Mobile App, the object must have a lookup relationship to the Polygon object, which is a standard object with Salesforce Public Sector Solutions.

IMPORTANT: While the Polygon object in Salesforce supports multiple formats - set by the DataType field - for specifying shapes, the only format supported by the Axsy Mobile App is the GeoJSON format.

For more information on the Polygon object, please see this Salesforce page: Polygons 

Configuring the Map View with the Config Tool

Enabling an Object List to have the Map View visible and configuring the relationship to the Polygon object is done via the Axsy Config Tool. Please see this article for information on how this is done: Configuring Additional Object Lists