Please make note of the following considerations when creating a Sandbox environment from a source Production org in which Axsy is installed.

Sandbox Types and Templates

Configuration of Axsy is maintained through a combination of Salesforce metadata as well as Salesforce data. This includes Axsy custom objects which store configuration details within their Salesforce records.

As such, only Partial Copy Sandboxes and Full Sandboxes can copy over the majority of the Axsy configuration from the source Production Org. Developer Sandboxes - as they only copy Salesforce metadata from the source Production org but not data or records - will omit a large portion of any Axsy configuration and therefore should be avoided.

While records used for Axsy configuration are included in Partial Copy Sandboxes and Full Sandboxes, any associated Files that are used for configuration may be omitted. Please see further in this article for more details.

Sandbox Templates

To ensure that your Partial Copy Sandbox or Full Sandbox includes all necessary Axsy objects and records, be sure to include them in the Sandbox Template that is used during Sandbox creation. Any necessary Axsy objects will include an axsy prefix that comes from the applicable Axsy namespaces.

Any necessary Axsy objects to be included in the Sandbox template will start with the "axsy" prefix, such as the objects in the above screenshot.

Additional Configuration Due to Un-copied Files

In addition to Salesforce records, some Axsy configuration is stored within Files that are related to those records. As Files may not be copied over as part of Partial Copy Sandbox or Full Sandbox, additional steps are required post-Sandbox-creation to migrate or retrieve the necessary Files.

App Config Version

The Axsy Config Tool stores its configuration within a record of the App Config Version object and the config.xml file related to that record. While App Config Version records can be copied over during creation of a Partial Copy Sandbox or Full Sandbox, the related config.xml files may be missing. As such, you will need to import the config.xml file from the source Production org as per this article: Import Axsy Config Settings into Another Org

App Bundles

Axsy Feature Set bundles are stored within records of the App Bundle object and the associated json files related to those records. Those necessary json files will not be copied over during sandbox creation but can be retrieved from the Axsy repository. To trigger retrieval of the necessary App Bundle details and their associated json files, simply delete any existing App Bundle records in the created Sandbox. On next load of the Axsy Config Tool, the tool will retrieve any necessary App Bundle details and files from the Axsy repository. 


Axsy Plugins are stored within records of the Plugin and Plugin Version objects and the associated Bundle.js files related to each Plugin Version record. As the necessary Bundle.js files will not be copied over during sandbox creation, it is necessary to uninstall and re-install any required Axsy Plugins as this will trigger retrieval of the necessary Plugin details and files from the Axsy repository. To remove an Axsy Plugin, simply delete any existing Plugin Version and Plugin records for that plugin. Re-installing the plugin can then be done with the Axsy Config Tool, as described in this article: Plugin Deployment

Axsy Smart Forms

Any Axsy Smart Form that has been published as a Form Version will not have its underlying json file copied over as part of the sandbox creation. As such, you will need to export the Smart Form from the source Production Org and import it as a Smart Form Version into the created Sandbox. Please see the following articles for more details: Importing and Exporting Smart Forms

NOTE: The above only applies to published Form Versions. Draft Smart Forms are managed via Salesforce objects - rather than via json file - and therefore the associated records can be copied over as part of Sandbox creation.

Axsy Smart PDFs

Axsy Smart PDFs rely on PDF template files to generate PDF documents are part of a Salesforce Flow. As the PDF template file used for generating an Axsy Smart PDF may not be copied over as part of a Partial Copy Sandbox or Full Sandbox, it may be necessary to download those PDF template files from the source Production org and upload them to the Sandbox environment. Additionally, depending on how the Salesforce Flow was designed, it may need updating to properly reference the newly uploaded PDF template - for example, if the Content Document record for the PDF template is retrieved in the Flow using a hard-coded Salesforce ID.