Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution

The Axsy Config Tool provides users with guidance on the best practices for configuring their settings. Help and warning messages will be displayed - both beneath the relevant field and at the top of tool - so that users can clearly identify any recommended changes. 

NOTE: The examples listed below are not exhaustive.

Example Field Warnings

  1. The New Visit Sync Delay field, which is located under Global > Visits, has a recommended maximum limit of 300 seconds (or 5 minutes). A value higher than 300 is only necessary when you know that creating a Visit requires a large amount of Retail Visit KPIs to be created on the Salesforce Platform.

  2. The How often to check for updates in Salesforce (minutes)? field, located under Sync > Record Sets > Visits > Query Parameters, has a recommended maximum limit of 60 minutes. If the field is set at a higher number, you risk working with data that is out of date.
  3. The Recent Visits Limit field, located under Sync > Record Sets > Visits > Query Parameters, has a recommended maximum limit of 100. Visits can have a large volume of related records associated with them, and so reducing this parameter means significantly reducing the duration of the initial sync time.
  4. The Next Days and Previous Days fields, located under Sync > Record Sets > Visits > Query Parameters, have a recommended maximum range limit of 7 days and 14 days, respectively. A larger range than this would increases the initial sync time due to a higher volume of records. 

Overview Warnings 

When you save the changes you are working on, a warning icon will be displayed at the top of the tool with a list of any warnings for fields that have not been addressed. You can still save and publish your changes, however, the warning icon will remain there as information.