Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution

Initial Sync

When a user first logs in to the Axsy Mobile App it will perform an initial sync of the relevant settings, metadata (e.g. Page Layouts, Quick Actions and Mobile Flows) and user data from their Salesforce Org, downloading everything the user will need to work offline. This process can take several seconds or minutes depending on the amount of information that has been configured to be synced. 

Figure 1 - Initial sync of settings and Org metadata following login

Figure 2 -After settings and metadata have been synced the app will sync Salesforce data

While initial sync is ongoing, the user can press the Cancel button at the bottom of the screen at any time which will prompt the user to abort initial sync and log out of the mobile app.

Once initial sync is complete, the user will be notified via a green banner - which disappears on its own after a few seconds - informing them that the app is now ready to be used offline due to all settings, metadata and data having been synced.

Figure 3 - A green banner is displayed once initial sync is complete

Network Issues

If you encounter device network issues when logging into the app, the following warning messages will be displayed:

  • If a request takes more than 45 seconds to receive a response, the warning message "Slow network detected" will be displayed at the top of the screen.
  • If a request takes more than 3 minutes to receive a response, the request will be cancelled and a warning pop-up with message "Network warning: One or more requests has timed out, please check your internet connection" will be displayed and the user will be prompted to acknowledge via the "OK" button.