Available in: Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution

The Settings tab of the Axsy Mobile app in the Salesforce Web UI provides access to the Axsy Config Tool which is used for configuring the behaviour of the Axsy Mobile App. The Global tab for the Axsy Config Tool is where various global app settings are defined.


When viewing the Global tab of the Axsy Config Tool, selecting the Visits option from the side menu presents settings related to managing Visits within the Axsy Mobile App.

New Visit FieldsText field for specifying a comma-separated-list of Visit fields, specified with their API Name, that the Axsy Mobile App should display when a user is creating a new visit in-app.
New Visit Sync DelayAmount of seconds to wait after creating a Visit in-app before automatically attempting to sync Visit tasks and KPIs from Salesforce. The delay is used to ensure that Visit tasks and KPIs have enough time to be created on the Salesforce Platform before a they synced to the Axsy Mobile App.
Create VisitCheckbox that determines if the action to Create Visit should be included in the Visit list's Action Menu.
Inventory Check Table ViewCheckbox that determines if the Axsy Mobile App should use Enhanced Inventory Check tabular-UI instead of the list-based legacy UI.

NOTE: This setting is only applicable to Retail Execution. It is highly recommended to have this enabled as the legacy UI does not support the same functionality as the enhanced tabular-UI.


The Visits option from the side menu includes a sub-menu for Geotracking behaviour related to Visits.

Enable Visit GeotrackingCheckbox that determines if the Axsy Mobile App should capture the user's geo-location at visit start and end. If enabled, the user's geo-location is stored in the ActualVisitStartLocation__c and ActualVisitStartLocation__c fields of the Visit object.
Location required to start a visit
Checkbox that determines if the Axsy Mobile App should block the ability to start a visit if the user's geo-location is unable to be determined.
Location required to end a visit
Checkbox that determines if the Axsy Mobile App should block the ability to end a visit if the user's geo-location is unable to be determined.