Available in: Axsy Retail Execution

Both the Enhanced Inventory Capture and the Enhanced Promotion Check visit execution tasks in the Axsy Mobile App support the ability to relate attached photos directly to specific Products in specific Store Locations.

Enable Product Photo Button

By default, the button to attach a photo to a specific Product and Store Location is disabled. To enable it, select the Settings button at the top of the screen and enable the toggle for Show Photos.

Once enabled, to the left of each Product will be a button to attach a photo – either captured live with the device camera or uploaded from the existing device photo library. The button will also include a numeric badge indicating if any photos have already been attached to the Product and Store Location.

NOTE: The photo button will not appear when the filter for All Locations is enabled for Inventory Check or Promotion Check, as a single location must be selected to be able to associate a product photo to the given location.

Photo Descriptions

Attached product photos will be included as files on the related list of the parent Inventory Check or Promotion Check Assessment Task record. The details of the product and store location for a given Photo is then stored in the Description field of the file with the following formats:

  • For Inventory Check: Inventory Check - <ProductName> @ <LocationName>
  • For Promotion Check: Promotion Check - <ProductName> @ <LocationName>

NOTE: For photos attached to Inventory Check and Promotion Check tasks that aren't related to a specific product – i.e. captured using the photo button at the top of the screen – the Description field for the relevant files will be Inventory Check - Overall, Promotion Check - Overall Compliance or Promotion Check - Product Compliance.